Piscine commerciale

Transformez vos bains libres en véritables terrains de jeu ! Retrouvez des modules adaptés pour les piscines commerciales et des combinaisons faciles d’installation. La solution idéale pour les plans d’eau de plus petite taille ou moins profonds.


Fitness Track

Fast Track 6

Fast Track 3

Aqua Track

Aqua Duel

Wiggle Track


I am the mother of a young family and we recently discovered Wibit at the Olympic Pool. It has been completely life changing. Our daughter is now loving water play, swimming, and her attitude about water has completely changed because of the Wibit. It is so well set up here and, although she is on the young side (6), it has seriously helped our family get active, get out of the house on weekends but stay in the city. Most of all, it is so much fun! It is incredible for our daughter to realize that she has skills, even being smaller, lighter, to climb and run across modules that are sometimes even difficult for adults. I believe there are incredible skill- and confidence-building aspects of the Wibit that may not be apparent to the kids themselves because they are so distracted by all the fun. We really are big fans and love the Wibit at the Olympic Pool. Last year I could hardly get my daughter in the water, and now we cannot get her out of the water. I am thoroughly convinced that there is a safety education element to the Wibit, too - as children have to deal with unexpected scenarios (falling into the pool!) and learning to balance and climb.”
Deborah O. and family | Montréal Olympic Pool

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